~ Verifications for The President of the United States ~
seen on YOUTUBE:
Letter of Testament to The Advisory
"A generation of U.S. news should be considered unlawful public
deception engineering."
Investigation Insider ~
A high level insider delivers a behind the scenes expose' on how corporate network media destroyed a nation as we have witnessed.
The author's identity remains confidential but we are pleased to present his illuminating letter to the advisory.
The tape recorder is on...
Listen in as investigators blow away the smoke obscuring the pathology of national ruin for profit. Peer "Beneath The Shadow of Evil" in...
Confessions of an Arsonist
In The Ideological Forest ~"Beneath The Shadow of Evil"
One hundred percent of the atrocities of the report are explained by seeing completely into this twisted cabal, delighted to have skated along so long on the blind faith people place in those heading the news they watch every day.
Who secretly formed a corporate
oligarchy and for 40 years committed the worst crimes in American
our esteemed news executives;
A grand congratulations are in order!
Our news brethren were proactive regarding the Letter to Congress in the previous communication.
Those pre-arranged questions were inspiring and you dutifully relayed the letter to our nation's leaders.
When executives of the news industry sent it to the desk of the President you dazzled us most impressively!
You caused an upheaval if you must know.
A (healthy) battle among our leaders raged.
A sinister plot high in government was undone in the fray.
It may be the most talked about event of the year.
They will call it "the" week.
Will it be 'the one' that reverses a fifty year tailspin and rescues America and the biosphere?
Let's take a look.
We have been waiting for our politicians to 'lead the way' and all they do is show up every four years and America is four years more ruined.
As this nation is reeling in agony and facing collapse, if it is the news media the politicians have been using to "learn" what is occurring on the American street we have doomed millions.
It's bad enough that we abuse the public with fact shaped entertainment that deceives the audience.
We have maneuvered politicians into office because they could be counted on to be derelict in our favor as every item on their desk is now pursuant to the ruin of our communities, making us more derelict than them.
Maintaining an editorial policy that the worst overrun in history is somehow 'not really happening' is calamitous if our politicians are not looking out the windows.
Half of them it seems were looking out the window, saw the apocalypse and loved it.
The other half were looking out the window in dismay and looked over to us and we said everything was fine.
Little oligarchy kings profiteering on the largest border overrun in known history.
The case has been made that we vectored this invasion into the nation because these insurgents spend two and three times as much at the cash registers.
The case has been laid that the news media has fallen all the way down to cash register lubricant with reform sabotaged from the news directors chair.
The case can now be made that we have been tampering with the politician's perception of the national condition to exploit the sea of money arriving with a holocaust of invasion.
This news oligarchy has now destroyed their own nation leading to a congressionally mandated high crimes investigation.
This truth blackout by this news oligarchy has made the good politicians look like incompetent traitors.
At the same time doing a favor for the worst betrayer politicians in the history of Western politics.
And how do these politicians thank the news rank and file?
They've dropped us into the same filthy, chaotic, dignity destroying future racist wasteland with the rest of America!
That is an ATROCITY.
Let's step back for a minute and consider who's safety has also been compromised.
What about all these stars of the invitational?
The celebrity invitational considers this matter gravely serious.
The people affected by this corporate news apocalypse happen to be their families, friends and colleagues.
They say this appalling malfeasance is the reason Americans are wearing antiviral masks.
These stars of the invitational have just witnessed the American future mathematically destroyed.
Because of the insurgency who's only 'gift' is to trespass then deceive with twisted sentimentality, millions of Americans who WERE GIFTED have been slammed into poverty.
After being robbed (by us) of their right to consent during the worst border overrun in history.
During this information blackout the hundreds of patriot organizations that held us together have been calculatingly undermined.
Organizations in the grassroots, purposed to protect the common good, and need visibility to survive are being 'ghosted'.
They vanish.
Now, there are none.
Preventing the patriot on Main street from finding the patriot on Elm for a discussion about their suddenly wrecked future is the sort of thing that stands out in infamy.
These stars of the invitational who are in solidarity with our quandary, wish to remind us;
In ALL historical instances it is only the patriots of nations who ever cause the great accomplishments.
The policy of playing keep-a-way with stories that may have assisted communities in uniting for their own survival has placed ours in peril.
Preemptively undermining unity among Americans as they are being cancelled beneath an overrun of (sixty) escalating morally indifferent swarms.
The nation is now forced to grapple with a preventable crisis at doomsday pitch with no political organizations remaining.
This means quite cleanly, any and all hope for these stars' own families has been preemptively undone by us.
On the eve of mass extinction.
For cash register profit.
This has moved things into an awkward spotlight.
This border intrusion and oligarchy scheme has mauled more than just the American Arts.
The pillars of moral, intellectual and spiritual creativity upon which our culture flourished have been corrupted in this conspiracy of oligarchy greed.
As we allowed this pandemic to be dropped on their friends, families and colleagues these stars of the invitational feel they should be permitted to make a demand.
You are welcome to ask them. Forward the documents (at page bottom) to the stars of the invitational. The invitational list is located at
In realization that the nation (and biosphere) are moving beyond recovery these members INSIST UPON an immediate company wide distribution of the SAFETY SHEET.
The pages for network employee safety distribution that pertain to the sudden criminal takeover of urban areas is located in Section Four of the ATROCITY REPORT.
It's not like our sovereign employees haven't noticed their communities overrun and their way of life destroyed.
These conscienceless interlopers we have tossed into chairs beside them, sit around dinner tables in the evening laughing about their medicated American coworkers and pathetic bosses.
Evidently, contented to see their American colleagues spend their entire working careers keeping quiet about something that once they retire will destroy them.
If this were not true they'd warn their American coworkers and they DO NOT.
Therefore, the safety sheet should be circulated among those who need to be warned.
With this said, if we are not going to distribute the safety sheet to all employees, then the advisory advocates to our news partners not to overlook the biggest most attention grabbing story there is.
A nation reeling in the whirlwind of the most dangerous mass insurgency in world history on the eve of ecological rupture.
With this in mind, our all star advisory STRONGLY RECOMMENDS, if we are not going to distribute the safety sheet we should PUBLISH the Official 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report.
After all, do we want these politicians discussing the U.S. Atrocity Report at town hall meetings and then look over at us and see us withholding it from our own readers?
In time honored tradition the American public should learn who these populations really are that they've been deceived into not raising some kind of defense against.
As we might be facing a congressional whirlwind for deceiving them (the nation's leaders) about it.
By the way, are you enjoying the plague we caused by maintaining an invasion for profit?
As many as thirty percent of this land grab are also (immune) carriers of an incurable form of Tuberculosis.
This means perhaps thirty million cases of incurable TB are walking among us.
Vectoring an invasion into a nation to sell it stuff is an act of war.
Swarms of intruders who don't need to be here and know they are causing harm are rejoicing.
Invaders originating from places our ancestors never even HEARD OF while building this country are now parading the downfall of America in our faces.
In our evil game of tampering with the perceptual overlay of "what people think", we have been depriving the public of critical information about the mass criminal inundation of their nation.
Censoring (out of the news) the worst overland intrusion in world history and then keeping out of reach a dialogue that may have saved Americans from the doom now facing them.
We caused the worst financial disaster in our national history (but only for Americans).
Destroying upwards of three hundred million American futures to see this insurgency to the cash registers.
So our bosses could be little oligarchy kings.
We are up to our eyes in the appalling corporate treason.
We decided for Americans that they were going to be the trampling mat of the world.
Naturalization is a cheater's deal so the good ones stayed home.
We have destroyed our country so millions of cheaters would be "included" to feed their cheat at the cash registers.
Feasting on the betrayed nation.
A cabal of morally ruptured billionaires has used derelict politicians and calculatingly lured news executives to poison America and murder the future.
After decades in this scheme, we news execs have nothing but bills to pay and swarms of racist thugs glaring at our backs.
We have triggered all the human instincts that cause traitors (and their lawyers) to be ripped pieces in the streets.
It's as if this oligarchy has placed us in a war, for the public to see as real enemy combatants.
A headline beckons...
"WE... ARE... DEAD".It's newsstand gold!
If there was any question about it before, it is firmly removed.
If it wasn't "the biggest story" before, this more than places it in the top category.
As the nation is being ruptured at blitzkrieg velocity Americans are watching for a sign from the news that we can still think straight.
Let us not disappoint.
Since Americans have been so maligned in this catastrophe, and our way of life so ruptured, an honest discourse can't help but enlighten any discussion.
So let it.
The published letter is a classic service that can help quell these concerns.
The public will be better off for having read it.
After all, rescuing today's America also rescues tomorrow's world.
To publish the Official 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report is a wholesome act.
Right now, news audiences are starting to wake up to the fact that somebody has shafted them but good.
They just don't realize the details yet.
For the first time in (world) history a nation's media has wrecked their own country.
Not for any political or moral cause.
Only for money.
The supercharged goof of crafting the illusion that a nation being kicked to death by millions of violence loving intruders has really only rescued a tattered box of frightened ducklings.
Editing out the occasional little item.
Such as the grassroots are locked out of the elections by oligarchy policy.
As the nation is in leadership freefall we won't let alternative candidates anywhere near them.
This news cabal has been maneuvering the most incompetent politicians into offices while restricting better candidates from the elections.
Even the existence of grassroots candidates is censored.
Meanwhile, every U.S. community is being hammered by emboldened foreign criminals in spree invasion mode.
We deceive our own government about these acts of war.
Today, wherever patriot concerns are voiced or fears about this apocalyptic (worst in history) intrusion are expressed, news reporters are instructed to get up and leave.
Our, 'they will think what we tell them to think' policy has erupted into national misery.
Everywhere Americans are trying not to let on that their families are shattering.
For the first time in our history our neighbors are forced to endure a (national) death spiral that they can not speak to anyone about.
The most sensitive Americans see it as their fault.
A million suicides could be traced to this crime against humanity in a devastating class action.
As a result of our fiddling with the news one American in six is medicated for fear.
The American psyche has been dumped into the medicine bottle.
As the nation is being shattered (in plain sight) we have taken it upon ourselves to treat it like a state secret.
For profit.
In a parallel trick, marquee news desk stars and political headline interviewers are the maneuvered screen-reading fools in this unforgivable scheme.
Because of these offenses committed in the service of greed our news profession is destroyed.
This oligarchy has attacked America with sixty simultaneous insurgencies in a conspiracy.
We could be facing indictments on war crimes.
We tampered with the news to silence activism to keep the worst overland intrusion in history moving through the cash registers.
Prosecuting a private war against reform to avoid criminal prosecution for high crimes causing the downfall of a nation.
If a task force is watching, and if we are playing the cabal game, intercepting e-mail to prevent (executive) arrival we news directors will be spotlighted on corporate treason.
Obviously, positioned people have clicked a stopwatch.
If the thing you're suppressing is the biggest story in history, newsmen will talk.
A nation is collapsed into ruin by it's own news directors in a calculated betrayal.
It's hard to hide the skeletons in the closet when that closet empties onto the screens that are everywhere, glaringly absent of the worst catastrophe to ever hit this country.
Our advisory doesn't want anyone facing difficulties for suppressing the most important bulletin of the century.
Perhaps of all time.
With this said, if we are not going to distribute the SAFETY SHEET to the employees and if we are feeling shy about publishing, then we should relay THE ATROCITY REPORT to it's suggested designations without delay.
To have this atrocity report in our possession and do NOTHING projects the appearance of hiding something.
If it's transmission into our hands is being traced then any delay in relaying it is being observed.
These documents have been circulating causing American Tribes to demand power and if not that, money.
In the absence of news media integrity the government created their own third option;
A task force to investigate these crimes against humanity.
So, now we're obligated.
The atrocity report does not specifically identify particular culprits in the news sector. It refers only to bad policy as the root of the problem, which is true.
If we stall and play games, every family of every victim of this plague could band together in a class action and drain every drop of network cash.
At the same time, every bereft sovereign harmed by this downfall caused by invasion vectoring could follow suit.
How about the ghosting of all sovereign grassroots activism nationwide.
We don't need our employees thinking their 'most smiles per inch' working environment just killed their own country.
Fostering an invasion to keep cash registers full.
If heat from a task force is imminent, and since the politicians are the problem anyway, let them take the heat.
If the Official 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report is suppressed, we will.
As you're an insider now we just want to keep you safe.
We don't want to see our honored nominees or an esteemed government member get snared in (potentially hazardous) public confrontations.
Anyway, it is our moral and professional obligation to settle this quagmire.
Don't let an awakened congress feeling all righteous for the greater good (and their own asses) put us against the wall for having made them betrayers by editing an apocalypse out of the news.
Now they are our victims as well.
Word is last time around if we had moved to suppress the letter (to congress) we could be at a table facing enraged lawmakers.
The future is clear.
Relaying the atrocity report to government (now in the loop to have it) will help free the industry of this burden.
Prevent the need for a staff meeting where we announce that their families are abandoned.
The time has come for new legends in the news profession.
Let the news once again be positioned as it should be.
With millions of Americans under treatment for fear we can share with them the right-to-know revelation of our times.
Their problems are not to be blamed on THEM anymore. Their problems are rightly blamed on the times.
Every minute we can help them our age of (Pulitzer and Emmy bound) heroes is restored.
Death Count USA:
Thus far nearly half a million gentle and trusting American elders are written off --by us.
With the assistance of a news policy of total truth blackout the swarms are dancing on the graves of these eyewitnesses to a nation shattered.
How might we put a face to this tragedy?
How about a screen showing millions of silently weeping Americans.
Betrayed and abandoned and politely struggling for necessities in a losing battle against overwhelming odds.
Their politicians silent.
Ending all hope for the biosphere and earning the condemnation of the world.
For neglecting Americans into extinction on the eve of ecological disaster these derelict politicians deserve to have their faces spat in every second for the rest of their lives.
God forbid, our own families or despondent neighbors put it together that it was us who streamlined this oligarchy, poisoned the news and activism and engineered an apocalypse to exploit and ocean of insurgent cash.
Publishing these documents is redemption.
For the news profession karma is lifted out of the dog house.
Heroic executives have already taken part by relaying the letter to congress, even reaching the President.
Join them!
Take this historic opportunity to stimulate our congress (again).
A task force may be watching.
This is deemed the best use of tasks assigned in this matter.
The company lawyers agree.
What we've been up to has them wearing antiviral masks for the rest of their lives.
Their own families are among the doomed.
WE MUST demonstrate a willingness to assist and relay the atrocity report to Congress as requested, then begin preparing for publish.
We must take up the slack and place the safety sheet in EVERY employee hand.This has been
In The Ideological Forest ~- END; NEWS CRIMES BULLETIN -
Don't miss....
~ The 2021 Advisory Newsletter ~
A journal for your immortal desire.
“Confessions of An Arsonist” ~
Public Analysis & Dialogue:
Letter to The President of The United States -
The 2021 Advisory Newsletter ~
Your Personnel:
Letter to Congress / 2020 Advisory Newsletter -
For ease of reading all files open in the
web browser.
END: Congressional Distribution Document -