
- Congressional Distribution Document -  

“Letter to Congress” 
Previous Advisory Newsletter.

– 2020 –

For The Record; 
This earlier distribution, that included this "Letter to Congress" and the advisory newsletter, was physically launched to over a thousand news executives (by direct email) in the same hour as the government announcement that "the flu" was elevated to an official pandemic. This interesting timing occurred by happenstance and was not deliberate. The reader may also note, in this original letter/newsletter pairing the plague is rarely mentioned. The existence of this pandemic today underscores the validity of the "Letter to Congress".


Breaking News! 
~ City Editor Sea Change ~

"This nation is being ruptured at blitzkrieg velocity owing to our dutiful silence.

The practice of keeping the patriot voice censored then abandoning them to be calculatingly accused of racism has backfired. 

Playing keep-away games with stories that may have assisted sovereigns in assembling for their own survival has doomed all. 

Soon factual history books will no longer be made. If they were, the capitulating news journalists of these decades would be placed among the worst betrayers of all time."  

Preston Foster / CSENNEWS.com 

Insights to expand the horizons of today's most highly positioned insider. 


News (letter) Off-The-Wire! 
Evangeline Lange; for Liberty of Conscience Magazine ~ 

Greetings Friends;

We are delighted by the response to this board of advisors and express a discrete thank you for your heartfelt contributions.

This eye opening media awareness campaign featuring the 'Civil Rights Extinction Report' (and these published letters) is becoming an item of fascination for news professionals in 47 anxious and festering states. 

This new culture at the elite level includes editors, writers and publishers as well as newsroom counterparts at ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX. 

Overall, several thousand TV and print news professionals and an advisory of stars of television and screen share a (extracurricular) diagnostic positioned above the news cycle.

Also observing is an audience of academic professionals and students of the nation's top rated Black colleges. 

Americans who are acutely interested in seeing traction on these atrocities that have thrown King's Dream into ruin.

We extend a very warm welcome to all in this national discourse.


Hot Off The Wire... 
> Esteemed Nominees ~

Mel Gibson is invited to head an important American charity.

Who better to oversee a multi-billion dollar asset for a good cause. 

The gold medal achievements of the Tricentennial Atlas (70 movies, 40 series) for the paradigm shift are joined by the blue ribbon accomplishment of the celebrity invitational for American families. 

Among programs envisioned for this feast of wonders is a unique writing academy.

The online liquid academy network is designed to give struggling Americans an "all friendly press" to go with a job fair. 

Few things are more vital in a mission to empower millions of vulnerable Americans. 

Fantasy Themes recommends for this program...
"Aura" by Thomas Bergersen.  

Womb of "The Rubicon Report" at www.BirthAnEmpire.com.

Breaking News! 
>Sparkling Spokespersons ~
Figure Skater Ashley Wagner

Media elite reach across to the grassroots to address the future.

'Stars For Civil Rights' is elevated to the plateau of philanthropic excellence.

An organization endorsing unselfish supportiveness and magnanimous generosity. 

Gathering around the most comprehensive (legislative) instrument ever seen. 

Coming together unhesitatingly, unveiling the 'Million Family Rescue' to help sidelined Americans, so they may in turn rescue the biosphere. 

Many have been waiting for something like this all their lives. 

Figure Skater, Ashley Wagner is nominated as the sparking spokesperson for this nationally visible celebrity invitational.

~ www.StarsForCivilRights.org ~
A kaleidoscope of stories and features.

The BUZZ ~
> "Art Made of Pure Light." 
to help restore an advocacy that has been lost.

Get ready to launch a thousand Black owned businesses. 

So why stop there.

Liquid design is more than a "new stuff for cyberspace" story. 

The in-between realm of cyberspace creates a desktop that looks and functions like a brightly illuminated mechanical mechanism.

We are looking at something very special.

Bring a classy, clean fortune to any state in America (and overseas). 

The point is, if a marketplace energy surge is imminent, why not use it to help an important cause. 

Think of it as a million family reunion and a (dot-com powered) union to help create a million family renaissance.

We may even see King's dream realized for the first time.

Fresh from the vats!
Introducing the recently discovered, previously unimagined dazzling splash of cinematography for the advancing world of web design.

Cloning now, with no sanitary requirements.

~ The National Civil Rights Desktop Network ~

Embedded with...
> "Commander & Chieftain" ~ 
A new political comedy.

Storyline; The president gets a peanut stuck in his throat and falls into a coma. We didn't say it was Shakespeare. First, the "missing" Vice President must be located. 

NATIVE CASTING; "Mister Vice President".
Play our witty Native American elder in this insightful national adventure on it's way to the big screen by way of an off-beat online blog-series. 

Fantasy Casting recommends... 
(King of Queens) Patton Oswalt to play the ebullient executive assigned to the VP. 

In related news...
> "Being passed along..." 

Just some things being passed along.

The Million Family Rescue is a unity of Black, White and Native Americans, joining together to help one another. This should be seen as a great accomplishment of our history. 

Please consider yourself a welcome presence. 

Keep passing these on to the awakened plateau. 

Be a founding member of the executive board of an innovative charity. 

Or publish the "Letter to Congress", for consideration (below).

Share your passionate ideas and patriotic heart at welcome@starsforcivilrights.org

See you inside!

Evangeline Lange 
~ for Steel thread  
Your source for "back alley news". 

There is more to come!

Hear yea! Hear yea! 
All rise for the first national assembly!

Stay in your seat! 

This "Hope for American Families" mega-job fair will be happening at your (illuminated) desktop. A performance academy and training center powered by a new dot-com makes this a renaissance for American families. 

"Advanced concepts in human life force evolution."

Up Next!


"Letter to Congress"

After decades away...

Our American news brethren, like in the days before the horde, have discovered, if we sit quietly in homes across the nation absent the 'correct lie' intimidation, a previously suppressed discourse soars.

With the most important election in history racing up and an alien pandemic spreading, Americans are watching for a sign from the U.S. news media that we can still think straight. 

Let us not disappoint.

OUR OWN survival hangs in the balance. 

We in the news, have sunk the ship. Now, we are holding the "your ship is sinking here's what you need to do" document. 


News professionals follow up DIRECTLY with our state representatives concerning the following item. 

on behalf of the ANCESTRAL CONSTITUENTS of this nation,

What has happened to America has killed every civilization it has ever happened to. It is the most extreme border overrun in known history and has destroyed our way of life on the eve of biosphere ruin. We NOW face both imminent ecological catastrophe AND (violent) numerical subjugation. Since we have been abandoned in an atmosphere of rewarded criminal trespass the potential for personal and family harm is now certain. 

We ask that you join us in the realization that; 
 is a survival necessity.

Dear Our Congress; 

This little letter (seen below) has bravely traversed the nation and the sky didn't fall, to arrive at your doorstep. 

At this moment, YOUR LOCAL TV NEWSROOM and DAILY NEWSPAPERS are standing by to convey an emergency statement from you for the victims of this agonizing national atrocity. 

After all, it is the biggest story. It doesn't get any bigger. 

A nation reeling beneath a catastrophic border overrun on the eve of biosphere collapse.

Now echoing in nearly any uncensored conversation. 

Let's take a look at the TV news inquest and the newspaper investigation and some things that will likely be shrieked at your car by enraged voters.

We will also explain this victims rights commission so we can take care of this for you.

Until then, as political delay has doomed us all, you will take the heat for an expanding list of ATROCITIES now enveloping THE SOVEREIGN CITIZENS of AMERICA.

It has destroyed our way of life, therefore; 

As you are reading this;

The editors of the newspapers of this state are advocated to publish these letters.

Also receiving this are correspondents of ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX news. Perhaps watching you as you are watching the pages of the daily newspapers for this letter. 

A member of your staff could pick up the phone for verification.

This dialogue is joined by veterans, celebrities, other media professionals and students and faculty of American Black colleges. 

All are waiting for you to think clearly.


The REAL State of The Union; 

At this moment millions of Americans are walking through life bewildered and sad and trying to be polite. 

In a single generation their families have gone from being protected, to being flung unprepared into a next generation nightmare.

If twenty percent of Americans weren't so medicated to hide it, you would see an ocean of silently weeping sovereigns going down with the ship.

Let's imagine them OFF their meds for a moment. 

YOU have opted their descendants to face a losing fight for survival. 

What would they say? 

It is the REAL near future...

Seeing you on the sidewalk. 

They will rightly declare that YOU have made them the death-generation of America. The next batch will be the death-generation of the world! 

With blood in their eyes they will cry out, "Remember the suicides!" because their families are fighting a losing battle against everything. Being forced to pretend "to like" the downfall of their hopes and dreams.

And it is killing them!

The aliens of this sidewalk horde smirk something at their backs then you mumble some absurd diversity nonsense. 

Suddenly, bottles and rocks and anything else these AMERICAN VICTIMS might be holding in their hands are sailing through the air. 

As the international media captures it all.

An avalanche of well earned pain from enraged Americans is seen on every television in the world.

You take shelter in the newspaper office. 

You should be ready
 to face the newspaper people; 

The papers will eventually demand answers at a number of realizations. 

Without getting up the reporter will ride an office chair over and seize on the following items; 

1; Millions of accomplice pairs of trust-exploiting insurgents are riding around the nation casing us for encroachment. 

2; Joined by millions MORE roaming males, who have been REWARDED for forcing themselves onto us for their own amusement.

And finally...

3; Why you are withholding from the American public the constitutional RIGHT to have a say in what has become an agonizing national overrun!

>>> Staying in the car may have been better. 

With this said,
let's plan your TV news appearance;

A correspondent has looked out the window.

One of the pretty ones has had an epiphany, and is glaring a hole through your face like an enraged goddess.

"It has come to our attention!"

1; That that you have granted free reign to the most extreme cross-border insurgency in world history. 

2; The indictment is now made by anyone observing that YOU are deliberately waiting for it to be TOO LATE!

3; You have capitulated to a illegal nationwide overrun AGAINST AMERICA on the eve of biosphere ruin.

Owing to this, the lives of your successors (and our families) will be catastrophically more complicated!

Would you care to tell Americans your plan to save us? 

Don't believe they will ask?

Call your local TV newsroom or newspaper. 

Inquire if they would appreciate a deserved explanation of the aforementioned.

They'll probably want to talk about the delay that has thrown our families beneath a cataclysmic insurgency. 

Will you be prepared to explain "your plan" to rescue Americans stuck in this hopeless doom. 

At such a moment it may help to have 'the right words' to encapsulate this (never-before-seen) apocalyptic overrun.

Not only are exhausted American families in need of this bill;

As it now stands... 
Without 'the right words' to illuminate this absolutely fatal, never-before-seen outrage, an (honest) news conversation will convict you of the ugliest treason.  

If you have a vocabulary to navigate it's numerous complexities you can avoid being pummeled for the abuses of outsiders and the errors of your predecessors. 

Let's get you 'the right words'. 

The Rescue America Emergency Economic Aid Package;  
Making Possible a Victims Rights Commission. 

This can do many things;

Study the 15 itemized atrocities illuminating the most dangerous overrun in known history. 

Present a future forecast. At this moment it foretells total national and global death. 

Provide a stratagem to lift politics past delay and help set a course for sovereign resolution. 

Will provide a national (web broadcast) communication beacon with official, comprehensive on-line commission telemetry. 

Will create a safe, respected and honorable space for millions of scattered Americans who have been victimized by the overrun. 

The "Worlds in Creation" (Hope for American Families) Job Fair can begin immediately.

The commission will be made up of charitable volunteers utilizing a job fair, with paid employees sourced via public advertising furnished by the aforementioned grant.

The overall grant might cushion a retrofit for a few lost decades. Consider a five year plan featuring 50 billboards. 250 national TV commercial advertisements and corresponding radio spots. 

The bill should also contain a congressional order to prevent the networks from blocking these (non-election) patriotic messages outright. 

A Note on Dodgy Hiring;

Asking yourself how you, a leading politician of the nation, managed to overlook the most extreme overland insurgency in recorded history?

As you read this, are there insurgency aligned persons that you may have hired as an egalitarian pretense, or catering to myths now discredited staring at your back?

That is one way. 

As beneficiaries of the conscienceless, conspiratorial and rampant acts of overland trespass, these ones advance their (network) interests by pretending to be what you think they are, carefully luring you into deceiving yourself into erasing your own future under their massive incursion. 

How can you do anything for American families (yours included) with the proponents of the invasion that just usurped their future staring at your back?

You can't. 

After work, your dodgy insurgency hire returns home to these same networks, to report that the politician dumb enough to hire them will not lift a finger to protect all the good-as-dead Americans. 

As it now stands, this cataclysmic national overrun -- unlike any in history, IS NOT entirely your fault. 

It IS the doing of the insurgent networks, now massing conspiratorially behind the infiltrators you may have hired to parade before an appalled viewer public. 

If you snub this plea to rescue our country, the doom of the nation then DOES BECOME YOUR CRIME. 

Directly culpable for all of it, guilty of vectoring in the incursions that have destroyed our way of life.

And sunk the rescue ship of the world.

At this stage in the catastrophe, working in the service of an orchestrated overrun would make you a de-facto collaborator during a homeland invasion. 

As everyone knows, traitors go to hell. 

If you do not rise to this occasion, the opportunity to have averted national (and world) tragedy will hang over your career and eat away at your reputation across the fading future years.

As the nation slides into horror.

In your final days your karma will be so scathed your eyes will turn to blood.

But this is not you! 

You are ready to bask in the radiance that comes from rescuing a nation. 

Resisting the "Stoppers";  
Are there associates telling you 'You can't'?

They're wrong. This is a democracy. 

We can do anything we want. 

If we want to make ice cream cones free on Tuesday we can do that. All it takes is a vote and it's done.

We probably won't do the ice cream thing, but if the nation is in a doomsday tumble we must make a stand. 

If we want to put a victims rights commission on the map moments before calamity, to rescue a million American families who have been doomed by delay, WE CAN DO THAT.

Why bow down like a pride-less puppet to plead for their permission to save you and us. 

It is a national emergency! 

Distance yourself from those who only peek through the blinders onto a nation that's been ruined, when it's time to do the right thing. 

If there are leadership adjacent persons obstructing or throwing red tape at your ankles, these are malicious people making things MORE difficult for suffering Americans.

It is THEIR FAULT that your legacy has been burned to infamy.

These saboteurs should be immediately replaced.

The Medicated Nation;
anxious ... desperate ... suicidal.. 

There is a concern for the millions of Americans suffering from anxiety, panic and other (survival instinct sensitivity) disorders.

After seeing their nation stolen in their faces these Americans will likely have ALSO seen the bank commercials boasting that transactions (for this insurgency) are now occurring in sixty (60) languages. 

So, these frightened Americans are suddenly informed that they are outnumbered sixty (emboldened cheaters) to one betrayed sovereign victim. 

Now they have to figure out how to be placating to deceitful intruders in sixty alien languages?!

These networks are dancing on the graves of fallen American families.

If this public agony occurring before our eyes causes reticence on a newspaper publish, all the more reason for this victim rights commission to be given life.

This sixty-headed monster has been permitted to force itself onto us and blot out our sun. 

Perhaps it has not occurred to you;

These swarms of corrupt, racist aggressors, that your predecessors have forced you to force upon the rest of us will soon be stalking your own family.

Shouldn't these persons with your last name at least be given the hope that they are not totally betrayed by you as well?

Now, they can have that hope. 

And you would do this anyway!

With this said... 
and seeing that we are thinking together now;

As you are dumped into the same ruin as the rest of us, and don't have anything to lose with the current status quo, why not do something amazing.

It's timely, poetic, visionary and just.

Rise from the ashes with a family rescuing victims rights commission.

Have the hurt on your legacy from being maneuvered into abandoning your nation to ruin, cleansed away.

Also being passed along is a safety bulletin that you might not have seen yet, itemizing fifteen atrocities enveloping the nation, caused by the overrun. 

As mentioned, the daily papers and TV news may be conferring over the political culpability issue. 

While the media is watching it can be good to be proactive. 

Pick up the phone;

Chat with colleagues and schedule a session to pass this bill, that among other things will (immediately) launch, a 'Hope for American Families' Job Fair.

Try to cause senators and members of congress to respond sympathetically in the concurrent (all state) campaign to empower the rescue of our hopes and dreams. 

Be resolute in passing the RESCUE AMERICA EMERGENCY ECONOMIC AID PACKAGE to create an independent victims rights commission to address this devastating national intrusion. 

It is understood that the window of opportunity to rescue the biosphere has closed. 

If this plea is snubbed it will be the final death fall for the world.

Don't let the awakened public have you against the wall as the focus of blame for their nation being obliterated before their eyes. 

Rescue them, even if the papers don't publish.

Earn a radiant place in history as a leader of honor. 

Become river keeper and global protector at the same time. 

Be praised. 

Support this bill to assist vulnerable and overwhelmed families. 

And you would do this anyway.

In Closing; 

There will be no revelations that would exclude the requesting parties or impact their eligibility for the funding described herein.

When all government parties are moving toward confirmation, let us take the final steps toward the official application of this vital bequest. 

With deepest appreciation, and encouraging your support, 

Friends of the Million Family Rescue

Welcoming your reply to: charitableneeds@millionfamilyrescue.org. 

The Million Family Rescue envisions a unity of Black, White and Native Americans, joining together to help one another. This is a great accomplishment of our history. 

An authorized representative of the charitable foundation will warmly reply. 


 The 2020 Letter to Congress and Advisory Newsletter. (this document) 


 ~ The 2021 Advisory Newsletter ~ 

- The Official 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report -

~ “Confessions of An Arsonist” ~

- Letter to The President of The United States -

Protect Your Personnel: 

 For ease of reading all files open in the web browser.


Don't miss....


~ The 2021 Advisory Newsletter ~ 
 A journal for your immortal desire. 

