Giving a whole new meaning to the term "bad news".
~ Extreme Corporate Criminality Mandates an Immediate Major Crimes Task Force ~
our Esteemed President
Wishing you an encouraging day and sending you strength and resilience.
It lifts the heart to see our new President tackling the most vital priorities.
Protections for the earth’s oceans and aid for an ocean of victims.
This discussion includes stars of screen as well as members of the senate, congress and two presidents sharing a behind the scenes awakening to the manifest reality of America.
To assist insight into authorship we invite you to browse this year's advisory newsletter.
We also present a gift associated with our hope for America. Your 'liquid clone' at is being called a divine grace and is dedicated to your presidency.
Joining us are U.S. Tribes, veterans and academic professionals and students of the nation's top Black colleges.
As the new year unfolds please continue to enjoy this diagnostic positioned above the news cycle.
What a situation with this criminal oligarchy!
In an investigational capacity, executives of ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX news are also observing as well as the leading papers in 47 anxious and festering states.
We are truly in 'an age of firsts'.
If a pandemic in America wasn't bad enough it is also the first time a nation has been inverted into ruin by it's own news.
Americans watched in dismay as warnings were ignored and profiteers (not journalists) were permitted to annex the news.
These consolidators had a plan.
Capitalizing on the blind faith people place in those heading the news the oligarchy spent decades eliminating obstacles that would have protected the nation from the largest overland intrusion in world history.
From before the first hour of consolidation they had decided the news would never cover it. It was going to be their enrichment source.
[Providing clarification: Your attention will fall upon the confessions of the letter (below)
that exposes a hidden oligarchy luring a nation into downfall.]Their appalling hidden scheme to misrepresent the national condition (for profit) brings us to another first.
For the first time an atrocity report describes conditions in the United States.This unforgivable oligarchy has skated along unopposed for at least four decades.
THE MASK IS ON YOUR FACE because of these men's nation killing oligarchy scheme!
Therefore, all news over that time MUST BE DEEMED TAINTED by an oligarchy engaged in corruption and be manifestly disregarded.
It truly is a ‘hidden news policy’ apocalypse.
This begs the question;
Do we wish America to survive?
Of course we do.
It is merely a matter of sourcing people who are serious about it.
As a 'political instrument' the atrocity report will make you serious about it.
It tells the story with enough clarification to remove the need to constantly explain the obvious.
At the same moment the most baffling political failure in Western history can be moved out of the 'mystery' category.
It is time to silence the laughter of these evil corporate criminals.
Two Presidential Commissions Beckon;
The first will expose an oligarchy in the act of victimizing the nation and the other will help build an emergency unification government to sort it out.
Starting off, Americans need to be freed from 'the torture of a silent news' during an obvious national obliteration, evidenced by walking down any street.
[Clarifications; These crimes against humanity are defined in section three of the 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report, titled "ENFORCED
NUMERICAL OVERWRITE; The Worst Horror Imaginable". The news oligarchy crime is further evidenced in section one, titled
"SHATTERED ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY", with additional verification of mental abuse seen in section two of the atrocity report,
titled "The Medicated Nation". View the Report]Executive Order 1;
A team will extend a "Presidential request" to these news abusers (reading this bulletin to help get the process started).
Leading newspapers will be requested to publish the atrocity report (as an honest newspaper should).
A similar request is placed before the TV news networks. They should be asked to present their in-depth reporting on the atrocity report.
Your new task force will observe.
Document Versions;
The document for this news industry response will be absent the news director's confession and this Presidential Letter. It therefore does not implicate the oligarchy. Fact suppression and control tactics with their news executives will.
Evidence stands ready for the task force to track this oligarchy in the incriminating act of slyly scrubbing the U.S. Atrocity Report from incoming news executive email.
Download 1:
The Official U.S. Atrocity Report.
For ease of reading all files open in
the web browser.
Executive Order 2:
Utilization of this political instrument in the executive area of government will coalesce an emergency (all patriot) unification sector possessing the moral fortitude to remember such a thing as protections for Blacks and Natives.
Government executives, judges and others will receive "a personal request" conveyed by your special team ‘from the President’ to dutifully read the 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report.
Those who are 'serious about it' will respond in a specified manner.
Do this with every member of your staff as well as your intergovernmental involvements, as a single aide with shoddy loyalty can poison the fragile assembly.
Realize with the rest of us that America has been hurled across the terminus of downfall due to the dereliction of those WHO WILL NOT.
Document Versions;
The news director's confession and this letter (to our faithful President) ARE included in this edition for government circulation.
Download 2:
The Official U.S. Atrocity Report
For ease of reading all files open in the web browser.
Under these oligarchs our obligation to our own future is convoluted while a fabricated obligation to their expansionism is enslaved.
A constitutionally entitled and unjustly withheld (oligarchy sabotaged) properly arranged referendum among the sovereignty can verify the matter.
Next step;
Staff will bring the responses of those persons who 'take it seriously'.
Today, total news control is being used to vector an apocalypse onto this nation to get at the mass of insurgent money.
Throwing your kin beneath the worst border overrun in all of human history.
[Clarifications; This crime against humanity is defined in section four of the 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report, titled "ENFORCED
CRIMINAL SATURATION; The 100% Criminal Demographic". This catastrophic oligarchy treachery is further evidenced in section
six, titled "KNOWN CIVILIZATION DESTROYERS ON A RAMPAGE;", with additional verification of attack force buildups in
section seven of the atrocity report, titled "ACTS OF WAR; Attempt to Overthrow!". View the Report]And what is it now?
A hundred million violence loving intruders pretending to be lost bunnies.
Endemic racists who OBVIOUSLY DO NOT NEED to be in this country and NEVER ask permission, while brazenly trampling our boundaries and openly conspiring in dozens of languages.
This illicit intrusion is engaging against us in a ratio overrun of sixty uninvited societies against our sovereign three.
Even affluent Americans will face the worst horrors imaginable, now evidenced every time we look outside.
An oligarchy of news owners denies the American public any dialogue about it whatsoever because this misrepresented (through silence) overrun is their enrichment source.
The bare reality is, to survive this apocalypse the most common (human mentality) stumbling blocks must be screened out from the start.
These evil news oligarchs have spent decades positioning them in every corner.
Screening-out rules;
You might opt 'to wait' on those, a citizen not maligned by invasion continuance rhetoric might prefer not to place on a dinner invitation.
Be on your guard for those who would browbeat you in a haze of false morality on behalf of persons with links beyond our southern border. Those who mimic our expressions and impersonate friendship while scheming for other agendas.
High level interlopers pawing over our destruction while feigning solidarity, happily watching you fail to right the ship they KNOW these news owners SANK.
The rescue ship of the world.
Trespass is a form of violence. It is cut from the same cloth as rape. A moral conscience must be absent to do it. The intimidation of their presence must be restricted from any room in which you are present.
Truth be told, nearly every person you encounter with relations in this (post-1970) insurgency are in the country as a result of conspiratorial and unlawful trespass and continue the atrocity when you're not looking, evidence by walking down the American street.
[Clarifications; This mass intrusion committed under false pretenses is defined in the top section of the 2021 U.S. Atrocity
Report, titled "The Welcome Wagon of Lies;". The crime against humanity is further evidenced in section nine, titled
"TRICK THE GRINGO CHILDREN"; The Worst Influence.", with additional verification of the children being the primary
accomplices in section eleven of the atrocity report, titled "BIRTHING HUMAN SHIELDS AND GANGS; The Myth of Innocence".
View the Report]This scheme to silence the grassroots has caused the 'Black Apocalypse' and includes the tactic of bouncing the victims (of that activism genocide) into a congregational situation that is consistent to twist any political dialogue it encounters into a combative quagmire. Therefore, church associations who claim to "speak for Blacks" must be restricted.
[Clarifications; Learn how this news owner oligarchy targeted Black political advocacy. Read the "Letter to Oprah"
and a feature titled, "Seeking The Truth ~ Who Caused 'The Black Apocalypse'?" in the Advisory Newsletter.
These crimes against humanity are further defined in section thirteen of the 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report, titled "THE
BLACK APOCALYPSE"; ALL Are To Be Slaves.", with additional verification of amplified hardship in section five of the
atrocity report, titled "MASS TRAMPLING OF CITIES; The Rat Race Jolt". View the Report]Stop 'trying to figure them out'.
Do not forget, damnation awaits those who allow their nation's enemies to watch over their government!
It is gravely warned in all scriptures.
[Clarifications; Learn why it is a religious duty to halt this apocalypse in section twelve of the 2021 U.S. Atrocity
Report, titled "ENFORCED ISLAMIC INTRUSION; & Prophecy Revealed, The 'Sins of The Fathers'.". These crimes
against the nation are further evidenced in section eight, titled "KIDS TRICKED BY TEACHERS; An Educational Atrocity",
with additional verification of impending subjugation in section three of the atrocity report, titled "FORCED
NUMERICAL OVERWRITE; The Worst Horror Imaginable ". View the Report]Screening-in rules;
Those who cause you to fondly recall the friendships of Black, White and Native persons from your childhood days.
These will invariably be of Civil War ancestry.
The right, mighty core of "us" from the Greek/Roman foundation stone.
Our Western origins venerate the triumph of the brave over the power of evil.
Set preferences to Western European in origin, excluding those from the alien hordes who have participated in the ruin of these nations then jumped onto America.
Without too much difficulty this political instrument will have convened a culture evocative of our Founding Fathers. A special commission with the (currently oligarchy undermined) strength of authentic American unity.
This clear thinking commission will steadfastly disseminate the 'political instrument' to other members of the government assembling the remnant of the executive body with the capacity to save us.
It should be stated;
A sitting President DOES NOT NEED PERMISSION FROM HIS STAFF to command an inter-departmental dissemination of a document delineating ACTS OF WAR being committed against the nation.
Why does this include war crimes?
[Clarifications; This apocalypse of attack force buildups is defined in section seven of the 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report,
titled "ACTS OF WAR; Attempt to Overthrow.". These crimes against humanity are further evidenced in section four,
titled "ENFORCED CRIMINAL SATURATION; A 100% Criminal Demographic.", with additional verification that an ancient
enemy has in fact returned in section six of the atrocity report, titled "KNOWN CIVILIZATION DESTROYERS ON A RAMPAGE ".
View the Report]This news oligarchy has calculatingly deceived the American people to exploit a massive foreign power insurgency.
Owing to this corporate crime we have no idea how many there are or in what configurations they have formed themselves against us.
This numbers deception has caused the American public to be deprived of information they (you) need to safely exist.
All we have are bank commercials boasting transactions in SIXTY LANGUAGES, a sea of conspiratorial intruders and a plague that is modified to target Westerners.
And a cabal of news owners slyly manipulating every piece of information about it.
If what we're hearing is true;
This commission will be cracking open the crimes of the cabal.
Corporate treason barely touches the scale of it.
Manipulating perceptions of the national condition in an 'invasion for profit' scheme to reap an illicit fortune from the nations' inbound destroyers.
Half a million American elders lay plague-slain in the echoes of this lying news!
At the same moment millions of Americans are medicated to simply not tremble in their chairs or weep uncontrollably.
[Clarifications; The crime against society of medicating in mass numbers is defined in section two of the 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report, titled
"The Medicated Nation". These crimes against humanity causing millions to live in fear is further
evidenced in section four, titled "ENFORCED CRIMINAL SATURATION; A 100% Criminal Demographic.", with additional
verification of crimes against the nation is found in section fifteen of the atrocity report, titled "CONSENT DENIED;
Democracy is Murdered". View the Report]All of the atrocities of the report can be attributed to these evil media connivers.
This oligarchy, not some enlightened necessity, engineered the current density of imported rubbish from China that has been joined by A PLAGUE clearly manufactured there.
The presence of a Chinese bio-weapon on the American street mandates total public awareness of this covert news oligarchy.
Superior judicial imperatives trump ALL SPECIAL INTERESTS.
Needless to say, any member of staff who balks at this or any judge who plays obstruction games over this manifest truth of public disclosure should be fired immediately.
In a tactic to subvert justice, these oligarchs have been prosecuting a (covert) war against activism to prevent Americans from engaging in group discussions that would inexorably end this justice destroying oligarchy.
Conducting a policy of "ghosting" grassroots organizations until none remain, while at the same time putting on the illusion of a network "that cares".
Across any of the networks, if you examine the "social organizations" or web sites presented, NOT ONE allows the public to create or participate in any political gathering.
This is by design.
This democracy sabotage has gone undiscovered for decades as the hidden news oligarchy policy also removes any (authentic) mention of future issues.
Now, any flame that burns for self determination is blown out before it draws it's first breath.
On the eve of mass extinction!
There is no doubt, a commission exposing these destroyers of America MUST be convened!
Due to the extreme scale of damage 'the tears of Americans' and the survivors of over a million American suicides should be declared admissible this high crimes proceeding.
Let this be the pebble in David's Sling.
A "Media Czar";
A media czar may assist in the fulfillment of national recovery mandates with the same force as these oligarchs ARE STILL USING IT for their crimes against the nation.
Preserving the current modem tributary to host a new beating heart for America, while simple reassignment algorithms turn insurgent televisions into helpful departure screens.
This oligarchy has remained in the shadows for DECADES exploiting an unabated head start, cunningly planning for the day of their exposure.
As complimentary as they are nowadays, the Americans around you have been marinated in psychological trickery designed to dampen their political acuity.
Based on overwhelming observable results (covered in the atrocity report) it has worked.
A nation of American traditions has been systematically destroyed and the sovereign working class has been economically strangled and staff didn't think it was important enough to mention.
Therefore, and unfortunately, the "Media Czar" can not be appointed from anywhere within current ranks.
Persons enamored by pop culture or churches must not be permitted near this post as these are oligarchy tools of dereliction. Predictable betrayal, feeding off imagined validation that never reveals itself.
This ethical rupture may permit attempts to fanaticize the nation's youth by maneuvering unscrupulous agendas into public education to exploit a religion with a one hundred percent destruction record just saying, you told me never to lie to you.
The world rescuing post of "Media Czar" is best delegated to those who have read the atrocity report and have forthrightly indicated that they 'take the matter seriously'.
Someone from our advisory could be made available.
"Better Use Of Broadcasting";
The hardware and software are currently in place for a dual-galaxy (modem) tributary.
Tributary 1;
Americans (and our political leaders) have the right to be unencumbered by further sabotage and manipulation.
As tens of millions are medicated to make it through the day let us attend to the public recovery and envision a triage for our hideously violated population.
Let them relax in front of televisions relating to them as if they are thinking human beings.
With 'smarter stuff' coming from American news screens a dynamic renaissance may occur.
An estimated fifty million can be off terror control meds.
Finally liberated to live good lives.
Tributary 2;
As for the swarms of activist abandoners presently heading off for vacations on a whim while pretending to be dissidents stranded in America?
People who enter slyly without permission then call themselves 'guests' are sociopaths.
They maintain the brutish mentality of their origin societies and never absorb our (Western) ethos except as a pretense, evidenced by the fact one hundred million intruders have created zero give-back for the society they have trampled.
Zero philanthropy. What do you expect from a "cheaters only" immigration diadem?
Darned if they're not a perfect match for the fathomless evil of this activism killing oligarchy!
Obviously, the insurgent modem tributary will remain unseen by the recovering American public.
A border overrun dismantler will be judiciously deployed to direct these dangerous intruders back to legitimate homelands.
The good ones stayed home.
This modem tributary will radiate innovative programming formatted for invasion networks who are (already expecting to be) leaving.
[Clarifications; Incontestable proof that the worst people of the worst countries have piled onto us at full speed
is defined in the top section of the 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report, titled "The Welcome Wagon of Lies.". The
unforgivable crime of falsifying intruder origins is further evidenced in section six, titled "KNOWN CIVILIZATION
DESTROYERS ON A RAMPAGE;", with additional verification that kids are the most assertive accomplices in
section eleven of the atrocity report, titled "BIRTHING HUMAN SHIELDS AND GANGS; The Children of Invasion".
View the Report]These intruders and oligarchs have forced it.
Let them jab their spears in somewhere else.
Moving forward;
After decades under this 'customer population exploder' Americans will have (presently suppressed) opinions about the atrocities occurring around them.
The most extreme border overrun in history is being amplified as an enrichment source by an oligarchy to soak up an ocean of “dirty money” slamming itself onto our shores.
The use of this 'political instrument' is a way to restore a stolen dialogue as these realizations dawn upon the brutally exploited (by their own news) nation.
What else can we make of it when these media owners move to suppress the atrocity report from their own readers, audiences and employees.
As they will when you issue your "Presidential request" to publish.
As they did in their genocide of the political grassroots to erase voter consent and avoid prosecution.
It is the worst corporate crime in all history.
By now it should be evident;
This news corrupting oligarchy has "a plan" for you.
To leave behind a blinded government calculatingly mired in irreversible dereliction and cancerous denial.
In their plan YOUR LEGACY will eat the worst infamy of all.
A news oligarchy disregarding the existence of alternative candidates while cunningly sliding betrayal into positions of power (for decades).
While these games are happening the window of opportunity to rescue the biosphere has closed.
Another karma destroying insult to go with the medical mask on your face.
A hundred million envious, deceitful interlopers cashing in on (inappropriate) favoritism by the duped and a handful of hideously corrupt news owners raking in fortunes from it.
After removing all protections these news owners have slit the throat of America so deep that salvation died.
Feel their laughter drilling into your spine.
Using this political instrument to convene a commission to disseminate the documents to the wider government is all that remains to save you from careening into Hell holding their dagger.
As these wicked oligarchs sail away laughing instilling the impression the world over that U.S. politicians are inept.
A special task force and (patriot) commission must be convened to halt them right now!
It is truly 'an age of firsts';
A task force will study the news oligarchy to bring an end to this escalation of nation destroying corporate treason.
Get ready for another "first".
A thing as obvious as it is unusual.
Let's say you turn to an aide for insight on 'what is happening in the nation'.
After decades of this unrestricted news subterfuge, if they turn to the TV, newspaper or radio for answers your hours are turned against you in a conspiracy that cripples administrative perceptions causing terminal failure
Due to this hidden news policy, the nation will collapse like a supernova.
Therefore, it is urged that until such time as these oligarch's are removed from the object of their criminality that you cease watching the news.
If there are persons near you saying, 'Oh, it's not as bad as all that!' they must not be allowed to continue advising your legacy into infamy!
The next forty years of U.S. news will be either a brightly restored media or the final continuation of news fact suppression, until the butchery begins, then manipulated reporting on that too.
By implementing the aforementioned strategies the compounding parallel trajectories outlined in the atrocity report may be judiciously reversed.
Just Imagine it;
A nation soaring away from the mutually amplifying cruelties of invasion and secret oligarchy profiteering.
By giving the public the great medicine of 'Better Use of Broadcasting' you may engender the most hopeful, dedicated and heroic society of all time.
It's simply a matter of surrounding yourself with people who are serious about it.
The (manipulated) predecessors have left you piled high with wheel-grinding chaos that no successor can hope to balance.
You may now set it aside as help will be on the way.
Put your feet up, and relax.
Old school protectors will come to your aid and help dispel the leftover noise caused by this unforgivable policy corrupting oligarchy.
It is without doubt the final roll of the dice.
Only authentic patriots can restore justice and redemption.
Trump recently utilized this same team formation streamliner to fill his policy institute.
Nothing else can save the mortally violated nation this traitorous oligarchy has prevented you from seeing.
A pair of Presidential orders can create this indispensable unity.
These American patriots who 'take it seriously' must be empowered to rapidly supplant those around you who do not.
Allow us to help you attain this immortal mandate.
Global societies will hail you as the most vital American leader in a century rejoicing, "Way to go, JOE!".
In such a case one can envision a bronze statue in the court of a stately building. A twenty-five footer.
Rest assured, our dear President, this advisory is one hundred percent behind you in any realizations you may have of long needed hope for the nation.
Directly following you will find a confession describing these oligarchy violations corroborated by taking a walk through any (as all are being grotesquely mutated) U.S. city or town.
The Official 2021 U.S. Atrocity Report is linked for ease of viewing in the prose of this gentle and loving letter to our devoted President.
Well, there you have it.
Thank you for joining us for these insights, shared in the hope of building the grandest continuation possible on your eminent and brave young Presidency.
As well as a joyous salute to the thousands of participants in this special advisory positioned above the news cycle.
With deepest appreciation and encouraging your continued fine attention, and wishing you and the First Lady a peaceful sleep in the house built by my ancestor,
Very sincerely,
My name is not mentioned to prevent attention from moving to an individual rather than a message.
Managing Editor;
We will keep the birds off your statue.
The Million Family Rescue envisions a unity of Black, White and Native Americans joining together to help one another. This should be seen as a great accomplishment of our history as it remains the only thing that can rescue our future.
Welcoming your reply;
As always, a representative of the foundation will warmly respond.Security classification;
> With investigations pending, private names and email addresses are redacted from public data.The advisory suggests for our Letter to The President.
"Stand In The Rain" by Superchick ~
~ Verifications for The President of the United States ~
Letter to The Advisory
"A generation of U.S. news should be considered
unlawful public deception engineering." Investigation
A high level insider delivers a behind the scenes expose' of how corporate treason destroyed a nation.
The author's identity remains confidential but we are proud to deliver this illuminating letter to the advisory.
The interview tape recorder is on.
Listen in as investigators blow away the smoke obscuring the pathology of national ruin for profit in...
In The Ideological Forest ~
"Beneath The Shadow of Evil"
One hundred percent of the atrocities of the report are explained by seeing completely into this twisted cabal, delighted to have skated along so long on the blind faith people place in those heading the news they watch every day.
Who secretly formed a corporate oligarchy and for 40 years committed the worst crimes in American history.
Destroying the
Don’t Miss!
of An Arsonist”
in the
Ideological Forest
Don't miss....
Letter to The President of The United States -
- The Official 2021 U.S. Atrocity
Report -
~ “Confessions of An Arsonist” ~
~ The 2021 Advisory Newsletter ~
- Letter to Congress / 2020 Advisory Newsletter
Protect Your Personnel:
For ease of reading all files open in the web browser.